Tag Archives: Lists

31 Days of Halloween 2020

Taking on the 31 Days of Horror Challange for the second year running especially after the fun of last year and with so many blindspots and cinema shames still in my watchpile it’s a great excuse to cross some of these titles off the list.

For those not familar with the challange you simply have to watch 31 horror movies before Halloween it’s that simple….so here’s how my month went down.

  1. Frogs
  2. The Crazies (1973)
  3. The Hitcher
  4. Motel Hell
  5. The Oily Maniac
  6. Raw
  7. The Blob (1988)
  8. The Puppet Masters
  9. Q: The Winged Serpent
  10. Trick R Treat
  11. Godmonster of Indian Flats
  12. Piranha
  13. Piranha 3D
  14. Demon City Shinjuku
  15. The Girl On The Third Floor
  16. Scanners
  17. Fright Night
  18. Christine
  19. Friday The 13th (2009)
  20. XX
  21. Nightmare City Aka City of the Walking Dead
  22. Crash
  23. Lords of the Deep
  24. Species 2
  25. Maniac Cop 2
  26. Ghost Ship
  27. Death Ship
  28. Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust
  29. Fiend Without A Face
  30. Lily C.A.T.
  31. Child’s Play (2019)

Top 10: Hidden Gems of the Decade (2010’s)

Movies and Tea

For one reason or another movies can often get missed or overlooked on the release schedule be it from terrible marketing or just not connecting with audiences upon their initial release. Whatever the reason here are 10 hidden gems from the last decade which are worth discovering.

Youth In Revolt


Tapping into the awkward charms of Michael Cera this indie comedy unsurprisingly sees him playing the terminally awkward Nick who rather check out old movies and records while generally failing to connect with anyone around him until he meets the beautiful Sheeni who shares his love of records and French Culture leading him to create a rebellious and swave alter-ego François Dillinger (complete with pencil moustache) to win her over while wrecking havok on the lives of those around him.



For those who felt that the Fast and Furious movies were still alittle grounded will find a lot to…

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31 Days of Horror 2019

For anyone who follows the Movies and Tea instagram or hangs out on the Gentleman’s Guide to Midnight Cinema group page will have been able to follow my daily updates as this year I decide to finally take on the 31 Days of Horror Challange. For those not familar with the challange you have to watch 31 horror movies before Halloween it’s that simple….so here’s how my month went down.

  1. Species
  2. The Relic
  3. Circle
  4. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
  5. Hardware
  6. The Mimic
  7. Humanoids From The Deep Aka Monster
  8. Night of the Comet
  9. Violence Voyager
  10. Stoker
  11. Don’t Go In The House
  12. The Forest of Love – Podcast
  13. Wicked City
  14. Fair Game
  15. Maniac Cop
  16. Sometimes They Come Back
  17. The Howling
  18. You’re Next
  19. Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween
  20. Body Snatchers
  21. Lord of Illusions
  22. Flatliners (2017)
  23. Galaxy of Terror
  24. Death Note (2017)
  25. A Tale of Two Sisters – Podcast
  26. Creepshow 2
  27. The Stuff
  28. Cabin In The Woods *****
  29. Open Windows **
  30. The Convent ****
  31. Ma ***

It’s been a hectic month to say the least alongside the podcasts for Asian Cinema Film Club, Movies and Tea, TV Good Sleep Bad and Game Warp were we’ve been continuing the Halloween spirit so thanks has to be given to my blogging buddy Heather for keeping me motivated throughout the month as she completed her own month of horror.

Congratulations to everyone who took part and made thier totals and why not let me know in the comments how many movies you managed in the run up to Halloween.

Now we can look forward to doing it all over again in 2020!!